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MLA International Bibliography

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ICI World of Journals

Index Copernicus


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ORE Directory



Instructions for Authors

Submission Statement

Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before, nor under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors, if any.


Peer Review Policy

All TC publications have been through rigorous peer review, and their quality have been assessed by independent peers within the field. TC enforces “double blind” reviewing, in which the referees and the authors remain anonymous to each other. The handling editors conduct a preliminary review of all submitted manuscripts and only those that meet the minimum criteria will be passed on to at least two expert referees for formal reviewing.

Whenever possible, referees are matched to the manuscript according to their expertise. Referees are asked to provide an assessment of the various aspects of a manuscript:

Context: Is the context of research explicitly and fully explained?

Originality and significance: Is it original as to thought and method (including data)? Does it clearly add to the knowledge and development of the field?

Data and methodology: Is it methodologically sound? Is the reporting of data and methodology sufficiently detailed and transparent?

Results: Are results clearly presented? Is there appropriate use of statistics and treatment of uncertainties?

Conclusions: Are conclusions and data interpretation robust, valid and reliable?

References: Does it correctly and exhaustively reference previous relevant work?

Ethics: Does it follow appropriate ethical guidelines?


The handling editors then make a decision based on the reviewers' advice, from among several possibilities:

Accept upon minor revisions

Accept upon major revisions

Reject, but indicate to the authors that further work might justify a resubmission

Reject outright, typically on grounds of lack of novelty, insufficient conceptual advance or major technical problems


The time required for the review process depends on the response of the referees. The typical time for the first round of the refereeing process is approximately 4-6 weeks, with a maximum of three months.

A final decision to accept or reject the manuscript will be sent to the author along with the recommendations made by the referees.


Style Guide

Authors preparing manuscripts for submission to TESOL Communications are required to follow the style guide.



  • The journal is published in English. Both American and British styles are acceptable, as long as the paper uses one style consistently (i.e., not mixing American and British style in the same paper).
  • The paper's English should be free of errors.


Key Formatting Issues

  • The main text should be in 12-point Times New Roman and Multiple 1.2 line-spaced.
  • Block quotations (over 35 words) should be in 10-point Times New Roman and single-spaced. Also, they should be left and right indented.
  • No footnotes may be used. Use endnotes if necessary. Endnotes placed after main text, before references.
  • The first line after a chapter title and a section heading must not be indented; all subsequent paragraphs must be indented at 1/2 inches (i.e., 1.27 cm).
  • Block justified paragraphs throughout (not left justified).
  • Do not space twice at the end of a sentence. Only one space needed.
  • No space after or before paragraphs



  • The title should not exceed 15 words.
  • The title of the article should be in 14-point bold Cambria.
  • Provide full name of the author/authors and their affiliation and country under the title of the article upon acceptance.
  • A short biographical note about the authors (each no more than 100 words) must be provided at the end of the article upon acceptance.



  • The abstract should be in 12-point Cambria and Multiple 1.2 line-spaced.
  • Should not exceed 250 words.


Key Words

  • Key words should be in 12-point Cambria.
  • Provide up to five key words separated by commas.


Main Text File

As papers are double-blind peer reviewed, the main text file should not include any information that might identify the authors. The main text file should be presented in the following order:
(1)Title, abstract and key words;

(2)Main text (with Tables and Figures complete with captions and legends);

(3)Endnotes (if relevant);

(4)Appendices (if relevant);




  • Keep headings to three levels.
  • Number headings like 1, 1.1, 1.1.1
  • Level 1: left, bold, capitalize each word.
  • Level 2: left, bold, capitalize the first word.
  • Level 3: left, italics, capitalize the first word.



  • must be referenced and discussed/ interpreted in main text
  • Format:

Table 1

Heading in with Initial Letters in Capitalization, Except for Articles and Short Prepositions


Table lines: only make visible top, bottom, and heading horizontal lines, no vertical lines, no cell horizontal lines



  • include good quality figure image as a separate file in jpg or tiff format
  • must reference figure in main text
  • center figure image in paper
  • image must be in good quality

Figure 1

This is a Sample Figure Caption


References (APA style, 7th edition)

In-text citation: e.g., (Graham, 2018). If specific information or direct quote is given, it must be cited with author's last name, year, and a page number: e.g., (Graham, 2018, p. 10). If more than one author: e.g., (Martin & White, 2005) or (Martin & White, 2005, p. 123).

  • Use block quote for citations longer than 40 words. E.g., According to Halliday (1978),
    [quote without quotation mark, text flushed left 3/8 inches and flushed right 3/8 inches] (p. 15)
  • References: List all references after the main text and the endnotes/appendices if there are.


For Journal Articles

Entry Format

  • Surname, I. (Year). Title of the article. Title of Journal, volume number (issue number), page-page. DOI


Entry Example 

Graham, S., Camping, A., Harris, K. R., Aitken, A. A., Wilson, J. M., Wdowin, J., & Ng, C. (2021). Writing and     writing motivation of students identified as English language learners. International Journal of TESOL     Studies3(1), 1-14.


Note: If the journal has a volume and an issue number, and each issue begins on page 1, then give the issue number in parentheses immediately after the volume number. Do not italicize the issue number; include a DOI if available. 


For Books

Entry Format for Books

Surname, I. (Year). Book title: Subtitle. Publisher.

Surname, I. (Year). Title of book. Publisher.


Entry Format for Book Chapters

Surname, I. (Year). Title of Chapter. In I. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (pp. xx-xx). Publisher.


Entry Format for Edited Books

Surname, I. (Ed.). (Year). Title of book. Publisher.


Note: the title is only capitalized for the first letter of the first word. Capitalization should be used for the first letter of proper names and the first word after a colon; do not include the publisher location; if the chapter has a DOI, include the chapter DOI in the reference after the publisher name; include any edition information in the same parentheses as the page range of the chapter, separated with a comma.


Entry Examples

Graham, S., & Harris, K. R. (2005). Writing better: Teaching writing processes and self-regulation to students with learning problems. Baltimore, MD.

Halliday, M. A. K. (1978). Language as social semiotic. Arnold.

Burns, A., & Knox, J. (2005). Realisation(s): Systemic-functional Linguistics and the language classroom. In N. Bartels (Ed.), Researching applied linguistics in language teacher education (pp. 235-260). Springer.

Burns, A. (2012). Text-based teaching. In A. Burns & J.C. Richards (Eds.),The Cambridge guide to pedagogy and practice in second language teaching (pp. 140-148). Cambridge University Press.