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Home Journal Index 2024-1

Exploring Perspectives and Practices of EFL Graduate Student-Teachers on Communicative Language Teaching

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Run Netra

National Institute of Education, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Cambodia



This qualitative research study aims at exploring the perspectives and practices of EFL graduate student-teachers on Communicative Language Teaching applied to their teaching contexts. The Institute of Foreign Language (IFL) of the Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP) was selected, and 5 MA in TESOL students were recruited to participate in the study, 4 males and 1 female, working as a teacher. All 5 participants were interviewed based on the principal questions of CLT, adapted from Larsen-Freeman and Anderson (2011), through phone-calling and Zoom when it was the time of the Covid-19 outbreaks. The findings showed that the perspectives of the participants on CLT include cooperative teaching, language function, communicative competence development, authentic material, and fulfilling the students’ needs. In addition, CLT was implemented to put the students into real practice, EFL teacher as the facilitator and students as the practitioner, employing interactive learning between teacher-student and students-students within the evaluation and the error correction.



Communicative language teaching, interactive learning, communicative competence