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Hsin-Chieh Chen
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Under rapid globalization, equipping with decent English proficiency is essential for individuals. As a result, immersing learners in an English-speaking environment has become a popular strategy in schools and institutes within English as a Foreign Language (EFL) settings, including areas like Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and Taiwan. Teaching English through English (TETE) serves as a methodology to immerse learners in an English-speaking environment. This study seeks to explore the impact of the TETE methodology on young learners' vocabulary acquisition and story comprehension in storytelling classes in EFL classrooms. Six novice female participants, aged between three to six, were involved in the experiment, which spanned a duration of ten weeks. Data collection was conducted through a questionnaire comprising background information, three Likert-scale items regarding story structures and Internal State Term, as well as open-ended questions. The findings of the study indicate that increased exposure to English positively influences the development of vocabulary acquisition and story comprehension among the participants.
Teach English through English, early childhood English education, storytelling, story comprehension, vocabulary acquisition